
Showing posts from June 6, 2012

And We Thought Northern California Was Green...

Crossing the U.S. border into Canada was a treat. Just before crossing the national line we were greeted by hundreds of bald eagles. The eagles stood at the edge of the ocean perched on rocks in the tide pools. I can't begin to explain what it was like to see so many bald eagles at once. Departing from the train station on our fully loaded bikes in a foreign city in the rain was a shocker. We were falling head first into this odyssey. After a long time spent gathering ourselves at the train station we hardly made it a block before we had to stop to adjust our bags, attempt at covering our gear with ponchos and fix our bikes-which were mangled from spending the train ride inside of a cardboard box. Our bikes were wobbly under the weight, our legs were wobbly from 30+ hours of sitting on a train, and Colin was wobbly from reading directions while cycling, but we clenched our teeth, cycled through downtown and within a few miles we were ecstatic and feeling awesome.   We are stil...