Flying Through Oregon
It is hard to believe that our last blog was from Astoria, Oregon. So much has happened since then. Actually we have cycled through the entire state of Oregon since our last blog. So much has happened that it has flown by quicker than we can process it all. I will give a brief outline of yesterday and today to catch everyone up to the current trip status and for those interested, I will also provide a few of the hand written blogs that I have journaled during the last nine days. As of today we have officially crossed the California border and turned our backs on Oregon. We are leaving the Oregon coast with much experienced gained, many beautiful vistas, and much learned about each other. Yesterday we ran into some troubles when I forgot the guidebook in the campsite bathroom. This gave us a quick ten mile warmup before we even got the day under way. After arriving at humbug mountain state park we had nearly cycled 70 miles for the day. Today was much smoother as we awoke to a bea...