
Showing posts from July 12, 2012

Seeing Family In A Familiar Neighborhood

"San Francisco here we come!" has been one of the most prominent and obnoxious mental mantras That I have been repeating to myself  since the deep forests of Washington and now San Fran is in the past. Weird!  Cycling through Marin County was beautiful and a nice warm up for the traverse through the big city. I wanted to stop in to say hello to friends but we still had lots of biking to do. After completing the dreaded climb over Devils Slide we arrived at our destination in Half Moon Bay at Colin's aunt and uncle's house. Thanks Uncle Johnny and Aunt Puala! They treated us to a delicious steak dinner, a warm shower, great company and a very relaxing stay. Colin and I each ate an entire steak! We also met up with Colin's Mom there. She stocked us up with homemade goodies and we had a great visit. Colin's brother and little niece met us in Half Moon Bay as well and we had a picnic together at the Moss Beach tide pools. It was wonderful to have some good famil