
Showing posts from June 11, 2012

Libations In British Columbia

Our week in Canada is finally coming to a close right when our anxiety is building to start the trip! Both Gillian and I are very excited to hit the road today. Unfortunately the forecast looks like it will be raining once again. This coupled with one thousand feet of climbing will make for a challenging day.  We were able to squeeze in a big breakfast this morning at Floyd's cafe and contrary to what the forecast says, we have clear skies so far. Maybe we will have luck on our side for the rest of the day. Looking back at the week, we look forward to coming stateside but we're definitely going to miss the seafood here in Victoria. We both agree that we have had some of the best seafood of our life. We are now topped off with the best cycling fuel and ready to sustain ourselves on the road. Onward we go! - Colin