Enjoying A Rest Day In Astoria

366 miles later and here we are....in Astoria Oregon where, we are experiencing a sense of alignment which is very much foreign and very very much welcomed. For the first time, our world is aligning into that joyous happy spot we've long imagined. Let me back up...since the moment we stepped off the train we have been hammered with rain, and  some challenges...keeping the tent dry, adjusting to an insane amount of daily physical exercise, finding shelter and food in very primitive terrain, managing the sheer weight of our load off the bike (which painted my body in bruises), sharing the road with logging trucks barreling past at 70mph, dealing with wet feet (which have been wet since our grand Canadian departure)...I could go on.      But what's more insane than that is the fact that Colin and I have bicycled through the entire state of Washington! We have seen the Olympic National Forest, combed the states driftwood laden beaches, cycled through rain forests, waded in tide pools and camped next to lakes and rivers. The route hugged the coast along tremendous bays where we passed literally  mountains of oyster shells, we stopped in for some oyster shooters at Wallapa bay. We've also cycled through the most picturesque marsh lands with beautiful pastures, grazing animals and old barns. The sights we could never get sick of, my favorite is the sight of Colin cycling in front of me. He is my security, my teammate and my happiness!      Lots has happened, And we have come much further than just those sheer miles. Colin and I were alone on the route for the majority of Washington because the route had two options from the get-go, and we chose the more primitive and adventurous route. On Saturday the routes combined and for the rest of the journey they will remain as one. We have met 6 other cycling tourist since the route came together and it's been so hugely relieving and inspiring to be amongst other cyclists.  They understand what we mean when we say we've spent hours under restroom hand dryers trying to dry out wet bike shorts, and they know exactly how awesome it was to cross the Colombian river. 

Our bodies are turning into machines, painfully nonetheless. Our bikes are performing so astoundingly, yesterday we dedicated to giving our bikes some TLC and the maintenance they needed to continue going strong. Meanwhile we fueled up on more fish and chips and some local brew here in Astoria. We feel that we are at a turning point in our trip. Our methods of loading/packing as well as our routines are beginning to develop. Our spirits are at an all time high, our stregth following. We are learning an entirely new meaning of endurance, and on every level. About a quarter of the trip has been completed, today we head off to begin the Oregon section.  


  1. So long Astoria.
    ...setting of the 1985 movie The Goonies.

  2. Hey, I see sunshine in one of the pics - must have been a welcome sight & feeling :). Mom


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