Last Night We Camped On Somebody's Driveway

Last night we camped on somebody's patio. They weren't home of course. It was an old barn house on hunting land, they allow hunters to camp on their land in exchange for a small fee. They probably didn't expect to have cyclists on their back porch, but you gotta do what you gotta do out here. We are cycling through a rainforest...which means lots of rain and lots of trees. It is beautifully green, but makes for a wet tent and two very wet people. Everyday  is a quest to find food, stay dry, and move forward...but along that quest we have seen the bluest of blue lakes, snow capped mountains, tide pools, dense rain forest, and some of the most beautiful campgrounds ever. We biked through a dreary rainy cold town called Forks, which is the town the Twilight series takes place in, for those Twilight  lovers out there. We also happened upon a massive bald eagle eating lunch next to the road which was pretty cool to see. Today we hit the coast and have the ocean at our side for the first time, it feels great to be by the ocean. As beautiful as the rainforest is we are desperately pedaling south in search of the sun and some warmth! We guesstimate that by Sunday 6/17/2012 we'll be at the Washington/Oregon border.  - Gillian


  1. I see Colin's bike has a new name! Will be interesting to here the origin of the name. Yeh, sounds like you are both drenched. But also sounds like you have a great perspective as you find and appreciate the beauty of each day. Thanks for the pics and description of your adventures - how exciting. Keep the upbeat perspective. Won't be long and you will be in other extreme temps, wishing for some rain. We will have over 100 temp here tomorrow.
    Continuing to pray for endurance, safety, health, and joy.
    Love, Mom (Colin)

  2. You seem like a team Edward kind of girl Gillian

  3. I'm team Jacob because I love guys who run around shirtless in short shorts.


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