Border Break + Farm Research

After making it to the California border we met up with Gillian's patents for a well deserved break. Thanks Steve and Pam! We loaded up the bikes in the car and headed inland to Medford, Or where we stayed with family friends. We got to indulge in some of the local culture and check out some epic farmland at the same time. After spending some time there we got dropped off in Creacent City, Ca, a town just south of the Oregon-California border. After getting dropped off we re-racked our bikes and started in on the third leg of our journey. To kick California off we were greeted by two 1000 ft. climbs that also have us the challenge of rain. Yes, another downpour.... Even in California. Last night we stayed in Elk Prarie Campground near Patrick's Point State Park and tonight we are staying at another KOA just outside of Eureka, Ca. Tomorrow we will ride into town to restock on stove fuel and then begin another fifty mile trek to Burlington State Park where we will stay the night again. Stay away rain!


  1. It's so great to catch up with you guys again on the blog. I hope Diana and Keith become friends for life, as so many of Mike's trail buddies have been for him. You guys rock! xoxoxox auntie pat

  2. What a wild and crazy experience... you will have our phobia of rain after this trip. Hope the new stove fuel helps. Love the pictures, keep them coming!


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