Riding Bikes Alongside Giants

California has been a series of drastic changes. It's been incredible. We are already saying goodbye to Fort Brag this morning, with plans to visit glass beach on our way out. 

Since the big send off at the Oregon border Colin and I have climbed some big hills, hit some big mile stones and experienced many changes in weather  and climate. We left the lost coast behind and cruised into the breath taking redwood forests, an entirely different forest than the rainforest up North. I loved being in the redwoods, and it was amazing cycling  along the avenue of the giants. 

For the first time we wore t-shirts instead of raincoats and swam in a river! We hit our halfway point of 900 miles at the start of the avenue of the giants. We also climbed to the highest point of this entire tour, at 2000 feet Leggett has been the dreaded and talked about climb. We devoured it. Yesterday we hit 1000 miles! - Gillian


  1. Did we miss the story about what Kalaloch means?

    Nice job on the blogs and welcome to sunny CAL.

    We'll give you a lift from Jenner if that hwy is too narrow - c-ya Saturday!


  2. You two are amazing!! Looking forward to a celebration of your trip in Guerneville tomorrow! Can't wait to take you to a great farm with a dense and beautiful redwood forest as a backdrop...
    So impressed with you two. What a great team you make!
    mom & dad


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